Friday 20 March 2015

Week 10: ...

CSC 148 Entry 9

     I don`t think there was much to reflect on this week besides binary search trees. Due to the test and strike we only had one lecture this week. I do feel very impacted by the strike however since my tutorials were one of my motivations for reviewing the course materials. I feel that because of the strike I have become more lazy and actually spend quite a bit of time not doing much since all my tutorials have been canceled.

     After being shown how to implement insert and delete for the binary search tree I was not as impressed as I was by the other concepts when we encountered them. Although the binary search tree is ordered and is very useful it did not have as big an impression as when I encounter the other concepts. As I have already mentioned in my previous post I feel that did quite well on the test and I am quite at ease.

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