Saturday 14 March 2015

Week 9: Chooo Chooo, Coming Through!!!

CSC 148 Entry 8

     We learned about linked lists last week. I did not think that linked lists were that difficult and I found it quite intuitive actually. Sort of like a chu chu train. When iterating through this type of data structures as long as several variables are tracked such as what the previous node was doing manipulations of the linked lists isn't as difficult as it seems. It's sorta like playing with toy trains and just combing them in different ways. I find that after I made the visual distinction of train cars being linked to each other I found this concept to be fairly simple.

     I'm somewhat worried about the test when I was studying for it however, after writing the test I was quite confident about my answers. I stuck around a bit at the end and even had a quick chat with professor heap and I found out some of my answers were write and this gave me a very powerful calmness when I was walking back to residence.

I took a look at some various slogs and I was brought to shame when I saw this monster of a post

I think this is one of the posts which I actually found useful when to read through. No other posts were developed or expanded on to this extent.

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