Thursday 22 January 2015

Week 3: Deja Vu

CSC 148 Entry 1

     Writing on the topic of why geeks should write feels not politically correct because it carries the implication all those who are writing these slogs are geeks which is not necessarily true. Having been through the process of writing these slogs for 165 I am all to familiar with this process. Although I did not find the process to have much merit, I am open to the thought of it helping me. Perhaps I think a better guiding question is should we whether or not it is good to write a blog. During my past experience of writing a blog it felt like an arbitrary activity which I had no real interest in and only participated in because I was being graded on it. Something which I have grown to dislike over the past few years which is being forced to do things not out of general interest of doing them but being forced to do them. However, that's something which is probably inevitable since it's all part of growing up. 


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