Sunday, 29 March 2015

Week 11: Back to the Streets Where We Began!!! AGAIN

CSC 148 Entry 10

      In my previous slogs I talked about quite a lot about recursion and I still agree with the opinions which I had previously how powerful a tool recursion is. I think took a less serious tone in my slogs trying to make small jokes and making some pop-culture references. Like the title "Back to the Streets Where We Belong" is actually lyrics in the song Nine in the Afternoon by Panic! I put this as the title originally because of the way recursive functions call on themselves and it reminded me of this song for some reason. Some people I know took a more serous approach to the slogs and had more focuses on the technical aspects of the slogs.

Personally I sort of wish I took a more serious approach to how I addressed things in slogs similar to my colleagues. However I also do not regret my decision to how I talked about my slogs. I think that the term expression is open enough to warrant different approaches on how to write about it. As for the actual content which I wrote I still agree with what I had to say about recursion. Except now that I have so much experience with recursion I do not have same amazement I had originally of it.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Week 10: ...

CSC 148 Entry 9

     I don`t think there was much to reflect on this week besides binary search trees. Due to the test and strike we only had one lecture this week. I do feel very impacted by the strike however since my tutorials were one of my motivations for reviewing the course materials. I feel that because of the strike I have become more lazy and actually spend quite a bit of time not doing much since all my tutorials have been canceled.

     After being shown how to implement insert and delete for the binary search tree I was not as impressed as I was by the other concepts when we encountered them. Although the binary search tree is ordered and is very useful it did not have as big an impression as when I encounter the other concepts. As I have already mentioned in my previous post I feel that did quite well on the test and I am quite at ease.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Week 9: Chooo Chooo, Coming Through!!!

CSC 148 Entry 8

     We learned about linked lists last week. I did not think that linked lists were that difficult and I found it quite intuitive actually. Sort of like a chu chu train. When iterating through this type of data structures as long as several variables are tracked such as what the previous node was doing manipulations of the linked lists isn't as difficult as it seems. It's sorta like playing with toy trains and just combing them in different ways. I find that after I made the visual distinction of train cars being linked to each other I found this concept to be fairly simple.

     I'm somewhat worried about the test when I was studying for it however, after writing the test I was quite confident about my answers. I stuck around a bit at the end and even had a quick chat with professor heap and I found out some of my answers were write and this gave me a very powerful calmness when I was walking back to residence.

I took a look at some various slogs and I was brought to shame when I saw this monster of a post

I think this is one of the posts which I actually found useful when to read through. No other posts were developed or expanded on to this extent.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Week 8: And the Plot Thickens.

CSC 148 Entry 7

     The past week I have been focusing very heavily on the second assignment. Minimax was quite challenging to implement and it kept me wondering about what problems we will be given in assignment 3. I think assignment 2 is officially the most challenging formal programming task I have worked on. In other news the TAs are on strike. I completely did not expect this I wonder what will become of labs and whether or not our assignment 2 are even going to be marked. 

     Week 7 had quite a bit of interesting focusing mainly on binary trees which only have two children in the tree. When we were first introduced to the subject I immediately through of binary searching something which encounter in 108 beforehand. Tree traversal was somewhat interesting, the various tree traversal techniques such as in-order traversal, pre-order traversal and post-order traversal. These concepts are as hard to grasp as recursion and I found it pretty simple of just drawing a tree and going through how the various nodes would be visited.